Readings From The Road Saturday October 19, 2024

The peace of God is unlike any other—it is a peace that transcends our understanding and meets us in the depths of our anxiety and fear. When we come before Him, He gently takes our burdens and replaces them with His comforting presence. In His peace, we find rest, healing, and the strength to carry on. It doesn’t mean that all of life’s challenges disappear, but that we are given the grace to walk through them with a heart that is still, knowing He is in control.

Today’s Books:

I Hear His Whisper:

Jesus Today:

As we draw closer to God, we discover that His peace is not something we need to earn; it is a gift freely given. The more we trust in His plan and surrender our worries, the more we experience this deep, abiding peace that guards our hearts and minds. So, let us exchange our anxiety for His peace, knowing that in His presence, true healing begins. ‘And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:7)

May these readings remind you of the constant healing and peace God offers to those who trust in Him.

Today’s Video:

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