Are you are living your best life possible? How do you know when you are operating at a high frequency? Check out this list of 12 things to see if you are operating at a high level of vibrational frequency:
- You crave high energy points (mountains, forests, ocean) and seek them out regularly.
- You find it hard to relate to negative people, and you avoid them whenever possible.
- You are spending less time watching tv (especially the news)
- You’re overall mood is happy, serene, and calm.
- You have frequent moments of intense gratitude.
- Things are working in your life, you are manifesting the things you want easily.
- You are healthy and illness free, your body feels good.
- You are excited to wake up in the morning, and feel well rested.
- Your relationships with others are very positive and giving.
- Your finances are in order
- Your job is going well, you are handling stressful events with seeming ease.
- Drama is no longer a part of your relationships.
If you can relate to those 12 things, congratulations! Here are some suggestions if you would like to raise your vibration:
- Set up a daily routine of reflection (prayer), and meditation.
- Spend more time in nature.
- Take care of yourself. Sleep, diet, and exercise are important. Avoid processed foods and get more fresh air.
- Take a yoga class and learn how to meditate!
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Spend more time around positive people.
- Shut off the TV.
- Be of service to others
Please feel free to comment your thoughts. I am always interested in hearing where you are on your Soul Journey.
Excellent post! Thank you.